Four more signups needed for the FLRC Bodyweight for Runners class!

Five people have now signed up for FLRC’s Bodyweight for Runners class—we need just four more to hit the minimum necessary to hold the first class on Wednesday night! Remember, all classes will be led by professional instructors and will be held outdoors, with at least 10-12 feet of distance at all times, and with additional safety precautions. Learn more and register now at:

Build a Better Running Body with FLRC’s Bodyweight Training Class

Also, we’ve been asked if the class is open to teenage runners. The answer is yes, although with a parent present for younger teens to ensure they abide by the precautions.

We hate the fact that we can’t have races now, and organizing this class feels like something positive FLRC can do for the running community in a safe, controlled fashion. Plus, it helps support a local small business focused on fitness.

So even if you have a scheduling conflict or can’t make it for another reason, please help spread the word today!