Thanks to @billwatson, who suggested the solution that was under my nose all along, the MITHACAL MILERS workouts will continue! To work around the Daylight Losing Time problem, I’m moving the workouts to Tuesdays at 12:15 PM at the Cornell Arboretum.
The program remains free and open to all FLRC members (join here if necessary), but you must register and sign the waiver (just once, not for every session). How fast you are isn’t important, but you should be running at least 20 miles per week and be able to handle a workout of 5 miles or more, with speed work.
There’s no need to register again if you already did so for the workouts thus far this fall.
As a reminder, to ensure the safety of all participants, FLRC has come up with the following requirements:
- Online signup is required to manage group size (maximum of 50, per New York State regulations) and ensure data gathering in the event that contact tracing becomes necessary. Drop-ins are expressly not allowed.
- During signup and at every session, participants must agree to the following statements:
- I do not currently feel ill, and I will not attend any session if I do.
- I am not currently running an above-normal temperature, and I will not attend any sessions if my temperature is above normal.
- In the past 14 days, I have not traveled outside New York State or to a hotspot in a nearby county.
- In the past 14 days, to the best of my knowledge, I have not been exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- In the past 14 days, I have not tested positive for COVID-19.
- Everyone involved in the sessions, must maintain at least 6 feet of distance from all other people at all times. More distance is better, within the bounds of being able to hear coaching instructions. There is to be no physical contact of any kind.
- Everyone must have a mask with them at all times and must put it on if proximity to another person drops below 6 feet for any reason. Masks do not need to be worn during running, but it’s entirely acceptable to wear one if it doesn’t impair breathing.
- The FLRC coach will take attendance before each session in case contact tracing is required.
- The FLRC coach will verbally review the safety requirements before each session.
Any questions? Feel free to ask!