Freeville Fly-In Star Posts

Use this topic for posts to collect community stars for the Freeville Fly-In course.

Here’s how it works.

  • Click the “Post Using This Template” button below to create a new post with a Story heading and boilerplate text.
  • Replace the boilerplate text with your report for one or both sections. The header is key for distinguishing between posts and replies—don’t change it.
  • Your post must be on the same calendar day as your run as entered in Webscorer.


To pick up a community star, replace this text with a write-up of what your run was like, a photo you took on the run, a link to your Strava track, or something similar. Don’t delete the Story heading above.


This was the first run that I did with an installed sign! Photo from April 14:

If you’re not used to running long exclusively on roads, this course is going to be hard on the feet. I had consistently been doing 8-9 mile long runs for about a month but many of them incorporated gravel or other non-road sections, and none of them were out and back like this course. While it was not the longest Challenge run for me by time, mentally it was definitely the toughest, especially as it rained several times during my effort. Glad that I did it but don’t think I would head over here again.

Campbell Meadows is very pretty though and I did follow the advice to soak my feet in the water…a nice wake up as it was VERY cold!



The run gods blessed me with a cloudy but Dry Morning for my long run :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
The wind was a wonderful asset, (for once :sweat_smile:)
Saw so many song birds :bird::feather: very little traffic
I really enjoyed this run, I am grateful it was easier than the Skunk cabbage course :sweat_smile:

Love the statues here :racehorse: