I stepped outside to do animal chores early this morning and knew immediately that I had to go for a run today.
I needed to go with a shorter course as I’m worried about a “stretching” feeling in my hoof, so I settled on the Lakefront Loops, promising myself that I if I felt pain, I would walk.
What a gorgeous morning. I prefer to start this course with the out and back along 89 and finish with the loop. Does that loop have a name?? My mind was quieter than on the FH Fox course. I took in the warmth of the sunshine, the songs of the birds, and beauty along the inlet. Also, I took several moments to observe how different people were on the trail, moving their bodies in various ways.
I settled into what felt like an easier pace and was pleasantly surprised with my finish time … no comment on my splits.
I’m not real big on virtual races, but the Invisible Heroes 5k was too good to pass up. This is the virtual option for the in-person 5k in Albuquerque, New Mexico, organized by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists. The ASRT is the primary national organization for registered diagnostic imaging techs and is headquartered in Albuquerque. As an x-ray tech who loves running, I was happy to register for this since it is serves as both an ASRT fundraiser and a way to celebrate and recognize my profession. My goodie bag arrived yesterday in time to wear the shirt for my run.
I work in the Cayuga Wellness Center (commonly known as The Island Building) at Cayuga Sports Medicine, across the inlet from Cass Park. What better way to run it than a hard effort on the Lakefront Loops Challenge course? I went out and ran the loop in the light rain during my lunch break today. Due to two recent falls, in which I hurt my ribs, shoulder and wrist, I couldn’t give it a 100% race effort, but was happy to average under 7-minute miles. (Thankfully diagnostic imaging showed that I don’t have a torn rotator cuff or pneumothorax and that broken ribs are unlikely. Left wrist fracture? To be determined…) I had sizable wind coming from the south and had to fight it for half the run, but I got a nice boost on the out-and-back’s back to end on a high note.
Totally loved Mother’s Day morning at the FLRC Women’s Distance Festival where I always run with Running Goddess Diane Sherrer in my heart and head My Mom, at 86 was delighted to win oldest participant
I and Jodi did the Middle Finger 5k a week ago Saturday for our first Challenge actvity of the season. It is Jodi’s favorite 5k, and serves as a fundraiser for victims of Cancer. The start/finish line is right next to the welcome center at the north end of Seneca lake. The route is mostly a loop around the state park, flat and fast like Cass. I dragged myself out of bed way too early for this one, and did the best I could for how little I have been running lately.
Interestingly, it is the third year in a row we have witnessed a group of walkers in the event at the back of the pack smoking cigarettes as they went by. I’m not certain if they are just trying to be ironic, but it does make for a headscratcher.
That sun this morning off of the inlet was intense
So glad I got smarter about sunscreen
And the wind that was the bane of my fall and winter, was my blessing this morning so warm so early
Hi Folks! I am a non-runner who is working on their distance and speed for climbing ADK high peaks. I’ve climbed to the summit on 4 of 46 thus far. I enjoyed this flat, soft hikers trot on this trail! Thanks for having me
These photos were taken 10 years apart from prior May Day 5K races!!
I was the only member of my family to participate this year.
This was the final race I ran last year before I was out for 9 months due to injury. My return to running has been a lot more challenging than I thought it would be for a variety of reasons.
I rocked some pretty terrible POSITIVE splits, but I finished!
I ran the Belle Sherman 5k this morning. This was my first time competing in this particular 5k and the race organizers did a great job. I got in a nice warm-up jog with @lizhartman. I was a bit disappointed to hear from Liz that Trumansburg held its May Day 5k today - their more leisurely 10:30 am start time is more my speed That race also has a downhill start as opposed to Belle Sherman’s unexpectedly long uphill start which produced a fair amount of ungracious grumbling on my part. Nonetheless, it felt good to get in a solid workout and I got the chance to chat with fellow club members @ken.hodges and @andreakiely.
Today was the May Day 5k and Fun Run! I ran the 5k and my 6 year old daughter ran the fun run. It was her first race, and she was so proud of herself for running the whole way and finishing.
I’m still a little sore from my adventures last weekend, but had a pretty good run. I didn’t PR or anything, but came in at 25 minutes flat
Oh those Lakefront Loops! Getting back to this challenge after rolling my ankle a few weeks back. This was my first of what will hopefully be some more lakefront loops at some point, though admittedly, not my favorite course. I genuinely prefer more shade, less pavement and less people overall, nonetheless, Frodo and I busted it out today while Malaya, my mom and lil Forest hung at the nearby dog park getting out the little puppy energy. It was certainly a convenient stop to pop in a run mid day so thats a plus! Plenty of poles to pee on, made for a happy dog lol
Wicked poor timing on my part for hitting it during the mid day afternoon sun. Frodo and I were grateful for the little spots of shade we could find along the way. He took inspiration from the lady in the mural and decidedly plopped himself down on the cooler rocks midway through for a quick breather.
Overall, not my best time on a 5K at 39 min but I’ll have to give it a go another time maybe in the evening when the sun goes down or an early morning sans Frodo and see if I can improve somehow.
What’s it like to put in a 5K after a weight training class at FLX FitClub? Heavy Man. Real Heavy. If you’re trying to PR a course, I don’t recommend this. Haha. Admittedly, I was not trying to PR a 5K this evening. I’m just certain that an hour of weight training should not come before anyone attempts it. Waiting (weighting?) to put in the Lake Front Loops until a little later in the evening, it was a lovely night at Cass Park with the temperature just beginning to cool. I could especially feel the drop in temperature in the shade next to the lake on the first loop. The Cass baseball fields were filled with teams from the coed softball league, fondly called ‘the hippie league’ by those in the know. I guess this is because the coed league is known to be more relaxed than the other softball leagues in town. I know some of the people who play so it was nice to wave and say hello.
Three of us hit up this course after the 4 miler since we were in the area. It was so hot and humid we really thought we would do a run/walk but mostly walk. Luckily it was cooler and breezy by the lake so we actually ran most of it.
Forgot that we could count other 5Ks, so posting this a few days late.
Belle Sherman 5K (KenK?)
Another year volunteering and running at our kids elementary 5k. Always a fun day. Loved seeing GG and her friends out there. As for me - had to represent for the old folks. And also had to dress up of course.
My first run back since my marathon
Debated which course to run this morning but I figured I should still keep it easy. (Big toe still isn’t fully healed hope I don’t lose the nail )
Wasn’t going to do this one because the double sun off the water is murder on my eyes, but the clouds rolled in as I drove into town.
Oh man, we were wondering about the green outfit at the finish line, but I’m just not sufficiently pop-culture-involved to have remembered the movie character. But I think you can take the movie Ken in a race any day.
This was my first time running the Twilight 5k instead of dishing up pizza at the finish line and struggling to keep up with the demand of ravenous middles schoolers. I managed a big PR in the stroller 5k (in only my second race with the kids) thanks to so many people cheering on all the runners. Now I have a time goal to target at Sunday’s PD Peace Trot.
Adrian, Joel, and I had a ton of fun even though the boys were a little bummed we didn’t spot apparent fan favorites @Ian or @Mike_S when A & J asked about them repeatedly. They loved the pizza and watermelon annd the fast-to-them pace, and they recognized a bunch of FLRC regulars. Thank you FLRC for a great evening!!
Tonight I ran the Twilight 5k run. It’s fun to see all the kids excitement to run this race. Definitely not my best but since I had covid 3 weeks ago I’m ok with it.
I had a great time running the Twilight 5k tonight. The weather was perfect for a hard 5k effort and the race organizers and volunteers all did a wonderful job. It was nice seeing so many familiar faces either competing or volunteering and cheering us on! Thanks for a great 5k!
I’ve been exploring the more traily side of the Challenge courses recently, but the forecast for tonight’s Twilight 5K had me thinking that it was time to go flat out! It was great seeing so many FLRC pals, not to mention all the kids who ran with such enthusiasm. Big thanks to everyone who made it such an enjoyable event.