Black Diamond Park to Park Star Posts


Erin’s school has a program called the 100-Mile Club, and over the course of a year students have the option to run laps during recess to reach milestones (25, 50, 75, and 100 miles). Well, we’re in the home stretch with the deadline on 6/14, and she’s been hustling to get those extra miles in the reach 100, though air quality issues and rain haven’t been helping.

Her P.E. teacher also accepts races and courses from the FLRC Challenge (I talked to her about this), so I did some number crunching and had a serious talk with Erin about some serious miles yesterday. So today she and I covered two courses, Black Diamond and Six Mile Creek, for a total of 15.11 miles. Looks like Monday will be all rain for us, meaning another no-run day, which is why I built in two extra miles today for contingency! :joy: :sob: And why we plan to run the Twilight 5K on Wednesday evening.

The Black Diamond run/hike was lovely, with the temperature being comfortable and the air being clean for a change, and we started off from the falls. So many birds were out, as well as butterflies, and it was a wonderful time spent there before pausing for lunch.