Ed's Ultra Shirt or others?

Anyone by chance have an Ed’s Ultra shirt, or other local classics, that they’d be up for loaning to the shop to put up, and eventually w/ a write-up to accompany them? Recently was given an early year Ithaca 5 & 10 shirt. I remember seeing one of the EU shirts one time but I’m sure they’re a very rare gem.

I have boxes of shirts, with some probably from the mid-1980s through the early 1990s, and then a 10-year break until we moved back to Ithaca in 2001. Just have to find the FLRC shirts among all the other race and computer industry shirts.

The best people to ask would be @sryan004 and @Rishel and @D_G_Rossiter and @tom-hartshorne and Bob Congdon… I’ll bet they have some archival shirts kicking around.

Ian, I will look when back in town end of month. Tom

I’ll look for old shirts, but I didn’t keep many.
Today, though, I am wearing a shirt that says: "19th Annual Finger Lakes Marathon. New York’s Most Challenging & Scenic Course. "
What year was the 19th for the FLM?


Tom, nice. Can you put that shirt in your will for me?

Just in time, Ian. I’m writing my will right now!


I believe Chris Reynolds has one. I have several old club racing shirts in my running shirt quilt. There are also many of the old race t-shirts in the club’s archives held at Cornell.


I do have one, gifted to me by Jim Booker, but it is a prized possession. I can loan it. Also, I did the very first Ed’s Ultra and there are some stories about that – its origin, the feast at the top of Conn. Hill catered by Jocelyn Hart. BUT I for sure want to be buried in it… although Green Springs does not allow clothing except the shroud, maybe my family can bribe Herb Engman to allow it. I’ll bring it by the store “soon”.