The FLRC Board of Directors will have its monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 8, at 6:15 PM via Zoom. All our meetings are open to the public, so if you’d like to attend, email to receive the Zoom connection details via auto-reply (and let me know if you don’t get the auto-reply). The link is the same if you’ve previously requested it.
Our board meetings revolve around club and committee activity updates, including a report on the club’s financial position and quick coverage of past and upcoming races. This month, we’re welcoming new board members Rebecca Lambert and Jon Lewis, and we have some administrative details to attend to for state nonprofit requirements. We’ll also be talking about our scholarship program and a proposed initiative to promote running with FLRC as an antidote to the physical and mental health problems endemic in modern society.
I open each board meeting with a quick acknowledgment of those who have gone above and beyond in volunteering for the club. This month, I want to thank Jon Lewis and Amy Sarno of our Communications Team for coordinating the Happy Holidays Scavenger Hunt last month.