Good day, runners!
I’ve renewed our agreement with Ithaca High School to allow FLRC members to run on the IHS track on weekday mornings from 6 AM to 8 AM, starting April 1, 2024. Weekends are not included because IHS doesn’t have staff working then to unlock the track. These dates are pending but unlikely due to school being closed: 4/08, 5/27, and 6/19.
Right now, we have permission through the end of June; July and later are pending. I expect they’ll largely be approved once IHS figures out its summer staffing.
Note that the IHS track is available only to FLRC members, so if you plan to run on it, please make sure you’re a club member. There’s no need to sign in, but if you’re asked about running on the track during those hours, reply that you’re an FLRC member using the access arranged with ICSD. (And let me know afterward.) If the gates aren’t open at 6 AM—the custodians have to become accustomed to opening them—let me know so I can pass it on.
One request. We are guests on this track, and school and team activities take precedence. If there’s a team on the track or practicing in the infield (especially lacrosse, whose errant balls are dangerous), please run elsewhere that day. There shouldn’t be early-morning conflicts, but you never know.
We hope you enjoy your morning track access!