The @pgxc-flrc and @pgxc-high-noon teams performed well on a pleasant day at the Finger Lakes Community College for the fourth race of the PGXC series. We didn’t have the turnout that brought us three wins in the last race, but we still managed to field 42 runners, and 17 of us made an afternoon of it by sharing lunch at Zugibe Vineyards afterward.
The sun improved my race photos, and I’m awarding bonus points to Rebecca Lambert for mugging for the camera, Julie Barclay for the thumbs-up pose, and Kate Hulsey for the mid-race high five. Check 'em all out in the FLRC Photo Library!
Full results are now available. (Select 23 for the year, 4 for the Race Results, and OA for overall, AG for age group, and TM for team, then click Submit). Our only team win for the day was the FLRC Women’s Ultra Vet team of Ruth Sproul, Deb Bliss, and Nancy Lorr—kudos to them! We still had 8 runners take home chocolate by placing in the top three for their age groups.
Our final race is November 12 at Center Park in Fairport, and while it’s still an 8K, it looks like they’ve improved the course from last year.
Team Places
- FLRC U19: 2nd
- FLRC Open: 4th
- FLRC Masters: 6th
- FLRC Vets: 2nd
- FLRC Super Vets: 3rd
- FLRC Ultra Vets: 1st (woo!)
- High Noon Open: 4th (beating GVH on a tiebreaker)
- High Noon Masters: 3rd
- High Noon Vets: 3rd
- High Noon Super Vets: No team
- High Noon Ultra Vets: No team
Individual Awards
- Banyan Love: 2nd Men’s U19
- Kate Hulsey: 2nd Women’s U19
- Gretchen Hulsey: 3rd Women’s U19
- Dan Timmerman: 2nd Men’s Masters
- Julie Barclay: 2nd Women’s Vets
- Ruth Sproul: 1st Women’s Ultra Vets
- Deb Bliss: 2nd Women’s Ultra Vets
- Charlie Fay: 3rd Men’s Ultra Vets