Yes, indeed! The FLRC forum is based on the open-source Discourse software, and there are free Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad) apps available. They’re basically the same as loading the site in a Web browser, so the main win comes in breaking the site out into its own icon on your home screen (though you could do that with a Web bookmark as well).
If you participate in other Discourse-based forums (like the TidBITS Talk forum my company runs for discussion of Apple technologies), you can add them to the DiscourseHub apps as well.
Alas, the apps do not support push notifications of new posts due to platform limitations. I believe the only way to get push notifications on mobile is to use the Chrome Web browser in Android, since the core Discourse system supports normal Web browser notifications. Chrome in iOS has to use the MobileSafari foundation and it doesn’t support browser notifications.
I’ve added this information to the FAQ.