Pulled up while running with discomfort in the knee/hamstring area, but can still walk fine

I was out running in some hills and pulled up while running with discomfort in a muscle in the back of the knee or lower thigh. I’ve noticed a slight snapping here before, but today it hurt a bit. I can still walk and stand on it without pain, though it may be a little less stable.

Any thoughts, suggestions, or recommendations would be deeply appreciated!


This is the kind of thing I always go to see Gerrit Van Loon for. But, aside from that my recommendations would be hydrating, making sure you have plenty of eleoctrolytes, and then using a massage gun and/or foam roller can be really helpful. A lot of time tightness upstream from the area that hurts is a cause so I’d think about maybe working on your glutes as well? Good luck!

Also, @arobertson is really helpful in thinking about these kinds of things. She’s a runner and local PT.

@lizhartman is spot on. The only thing I’d add is that heat can help loosen and relax the area too, so a heating pad is your friend.

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