Register for the Super Frosty Loomis snowshoe race, some snowshoe rentals available

We’re pleased to announce that registration is open for Super Frosty Loomis, FLRC’s annual 5K and 10K snowshoe race at Hammond Hill, on Saturday, February 8. The race will follow its traditional route up and around the forest, but new this year is a bright orange hat with the Frosty Loomis logo, available for purchase during registration.

This race is a great opportunity for snowshoe-running newbies to get their toes cold and try the sport! If you don’t have your own snowshoes, you can rent a pair for the race when you register online. A limited number are available for $10 a pair during registration.

The race is limited to 45 runners and there will be a waitlist. The limitation is due to parking space, so please sign up to carpool. Not only is carpooling good for the environment and a great way to meet friends, but it also helps more people enjoy our race. Super Frosty Loomis takes place at the wonderful Hammond Hill State Forest, which is well-known for amazing trails and ample snowfall. What Hammond Hill is not known for is plentiful event parking. The snow we so gladly welcome for our race also squeezes the parking lot smaller and many of the roads and shoulders are shared with snowmobiles, limiting where we can put cars. As such, by agreeing to carpool, you are opening a space to allow more runners off the waitlist. So please find a friend and help us bring as many people to this year’s race as possible!

A port-o-john will be available at the parking lot, but there is no running water or changing facilities. We plan to have the small warming hut open.

See you soon at Hammond Hill!