Run Rabbit Run Star Posts

Use this topic for posts to collect community stars for the Run Rabbit Run course.

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  • Click the “Post Using This Template” button below to create a new post with a Story heading and boilerplate text.
  • Replace the boilerplate text with your report for one or both sections. The header is key for distinguishing between posts and replies—don’t change it.
  • Your post must be on the same calendar day as your run as entered in Webscorer.


To pick up a community star, replace this text with a write-up of what your run was like, a photo you took on the run, a link to your Strava track, or something similar. Don’t delete the Story heading above.


First day of the challenge, and I decided to bang out my hometown course! It was a great day for a run, but it was WINDY. I didn’t think this is possible, but I swear I had a head wind for the entire run.

Anyway, off to Gimme Coffee for post run coffee and pastries.



I finished up the ultra with a long, windy, and miserable Rabbit Run that was more on par with a tortoise’s pace. I think I’ll enjoy this one a lot when I’m not battling 30 mph headwinds and already have 50 something miles on my legs. Ok, time for Chipotle!



Decided to knock off a course with my first long run after whatever sinus thingy I had. :woman_shrugging:
Planned on walking the second loop if my body decided I wasn’t up for the whole thing, but thankfully, with lots of walk breaks I got it done :blush:

Always love the geology of the area, so many awesome rock formations and even the old stonework along the black diamond trail. (Too lazy to take pictures)
Sad about the trees they took down at the trailhead.

I have to say thank you for putting the gpx files on the site for the courses!!
Thankfully I uploaded them all to my watch, because RunGo stopped navigating me and started me in the middle of the course twice and crashed on me 3 times! I gave up on the third time. :person_facepalming: (I’m uninstalling and reinstalling to hopefully fix the issue)

I’ve had other issues with RunGo for a while like it won’t save courses for me and whatnot :woman_shrugging: hopefully the reinstall fixes it :crossed_fingers: the watch works but I miss the commentary :sweat_smile:
Regardless the weather was perfect for this run and the rain held off :blush: great course, I love the loop back to the start point, Super helpful and I topped up my water :+1: I hope for more figure 8s in the future, far superior to out and backs.

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Sorry to hear that the RunGo app is being so flaky for you, and definitely let us know if reinstalling cleans it up. But yes, it’s always worth making sure you know the course or have a GPX file loaded.

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A cool, wet evening is a good excuse to stay off the trails and do a hard run on a longer road course. I planned on running in the 6:25-6:30 pace range (a little bit slower than my Daniels M pace), or maybe a bit faster if I felt good.

I banked some time on the downhill Black Diamond start with a couple of 6:13 miles. The climb up Kraft Road is the toughest part of the course and resulted in my slowest mile of the day in 6:45. It was good to get that over with early. Over the next few miles I got into a flow state and just enjoyed the feeling of cruising down the road. As I passed the parking area I felt great and knew that I’d be able to pick up the pace on the second loop.

Falls Road is not steep but it is a long climb. Partway up I started to feel the cumulative effects of the run. The pace wasn’t coming so easily anymore, but I was more than halfway done and it was a net downhill to the finish. On Main Street I was hoping to get a reading on the radar speed sign, but alas cars were coming so it read their speeds instead of mine.

I made the left onto South Street and was dismayed to find a headwind. I pushed through it to the course’s titular road and got ready to make a final push for the finish. At mile 10 a side stitch slowed me a bit but I worked through it and ran the 11th mile in 5:54. I sprinted down the last bit of road to the parking lot, but the trail leading to the sign was so slick with mud that I dared not take it at full speed. I was happy to finish a bit sooner than I expected in 1:10:29 (6:19 pace).

This might be my favorite course of the Challenge so far. It’s a good tour of easy trails through the woods, quiet country roads, and a nice small town. It’s a good feeling to be able to experience all of those different places just by moving your feet.



Well, It took me actually running the course to work out why it’s called Run Rabbit Run, and it is now my favorite run name (although Treman Trailipop is a close second). A really nice run, the BD trail start is a pleasant gentle intro. I zone 2’d most of it, then opened up for the last two miles.



Perfect RunGo directions! Beautiful route. Watch out for the onlookers along Kraft Rd (see photo).



It was a great morning for this course, mild weather with no headwind that other’s have mentioned. @Jamie recommended running this course on a cloudy day and I am glad we did as I could see how it could get very hot. I loved the Black Diamond start, running by the water, and this sculpture garden in front of a castle-like house. The run go directions were perfect, luckily for me as I didn’t preview the course. I ran with my friend Alex K who is not part of the challenge (yet). Part way through the second loop we saw a runner coming towards us with the same green/yellow challenge shirt I was wearing. Out in this neck of the woods we were not surprised to see it was @scottpdawson. It is always fun to see another Challenge runner. Overall a great run, though probably better on a weekend when there might not be quite so many fast moving vehicles on the road.



Night run. Kept it slow. Saw a three legged deer on Rabbit Run road, so that’s cool. Goodnight.



Double aaah! Before a long rrr by half moonlight.



Upon finishing Run Rabbit Run after midnight, I had a voice mail from the Taughannock Park Police. They had seen my vehicle still parked in the lot and hadn’t noticed me on the trails, so they left a message for me to please call dispatch and let them know I was alright.

I called dispatch and explained I wasn’t actually in the park but had been out running country roads in the cool night air under a clear moonlit sky. He thanked me for letting them know, reiterated they just wanted to make sure I was okay, and said he’d let his officer know. I told them I appreciated their concern and thanked them again.

They were extremely pleasant about the whole matter.

Anyway, for future reference, the dispatch number is 607-387-7081. If I find myself potentially in that situation again, I will probably call the dispatch and give them a heads up.

Last year I noticed a sign there saying the trails were closed after dark, which is a little ambiguous (I didn’t need to use a headlamp for my midnight road run). I’m not sure, but I think the voicemail was left around 11 PM, so they seem to anticipate some folks will return to their car a little after nightfall.


Meeting the Challenge …

from the moment I signed up for the challenge I knew this run was going to be a particular difficult challenge to meet. In part because of the distance 11 miles, and in part because most of which was on the road. But there was also the challenge of just getting to the course. For years we used to bike up the Black Diamond Trail to get ice cream - But the pandemic killed those trips. So I rarely found myself out in Trumansburg anymore.

However, an opportunity arose - I volunteered to help at the at the Ovid Strawberry Festival 5K. This wasn’t the greatest because I’d be running at midday which I never do and I was worried about heat, but fortunately the day was relatively cool and dry. So after the 5K was over and picked up, I drove over to the trailhead. I took it as a good sign that I was able to park in the first spot right next to the trail. The lot was busy, and there were a number of cyclists heading out on the trail.

I planned to run the two loops in reverse order in part to get through Trumansburg before it got too busy, but also in part to give myself a break mid run from all the road pounding. The start was a bit choppy because RunGo refused to recognize where I was at, and then when it eventually figured out where I was it refused to acknowledge that I was running the route, even as it tracked my progress along the course. All I got were the occasional “you’ve run x miles” distance notifications. But the course was relatively simple and I had no trouble following it.

There were a few people out, even a couple of other runners but for the most part, I had the roads and walks to myself. About the most amusing thing that happened on the first loop was the fox sprinting across my path on Rabbit Run. 1000 thoughts crossed my mind, such as “where’s the rabbit?”” And “this isn’t Fox Run” But the fox didn’t hang around to share my humor

After crossing route 96, the road down to the parking lot seemed endless - I had set my watch for potential run walk intervals so I’m amused myself counting how many times the watchbeeped while I jogged on. Eventually, however, the parking lot came into view. It was an easy run by the car to swap water bottles before heading out on the trail itself.

This section was actually pleasant. I did enjoy the switch off the pavement and there were a number of dog walkers and hikers to say hi to along the way. I saw one purple Challenge shirt wearing dog walker heading up the trail and wondered if they knew what I was up to…certainly the real runner (@scottpdawson) who overtook me did! (for the record, I appreciated the encouragement I got) All this stuff was just a set up for the run to come. I hadn’t realized just how much of a grind the stretch along Kraft Road was going to be. No shade and not much to look at. There was considerable traffic around the Spruce Row campsite entrance for some reason. But they were all courteous of the lone runner.

The climb seem endless - even more than this run report - but I knew it ended eventually and after a while (about four of my run/walk intervals) I could make out the yellow sign marking the T intersection at the end of the road. It was about this time that I saw the 2 turkey vultures hanging out along the side of the road. However, when they saw me taking out my camera, they decided I wasn’t as dead as I appeared to be, and they flew off before I could snap their picture

The rest of the run was a grind down Jacksonville Road to the finish where I could celebrate with bananas and cherries …


Great summary :slight_smile: :+1: :+1:

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Ok, running the second longest course during a heat advisory was admittedly dumb. I started around 7:45, and by the time I finished the Black Diamond section, I was drenched in sweat.

I was able to start out at about an 8:30 pace, hoping to get this over quickly before it got too hot.

Once I hit Kraft Street, however, any pace goals went out the window. I had to stop several times to cool down and get my heart rate down a little. I almost bailed at the parking lot, but decided to just refill my water and finish. Kept it at about at 10:30 for the remaining 5ish miles and finished with a moving time of 1:57:46. So not terrible.

I think I’m going to go home and set up my daughter’s slip and slide.



I had a really tough run this morning. I just felt exhausted and the uphills seemed to last forever. The worst part was I forgot my soft water flask at home so couldn’t carry water with me, and I was sweating quite a bit in the heat and humidity even though it was fairly early in the morning. I would have had to call it quits except I knew I could stop by the car at mile 5 for a quick drink.

RunGo again gave me trouble. Except for occasional mileage remarks it stopped telling me the directions before I turned off of the Black Diamond trail. I could still pull my phone out and look at the RunGo map, and it still had my little blue dot telling me where I was, thank goodness. But this is at least the third time now RunGo has stopped telling me the directions. It has also done it at least once to Jamie. It looks like @bobtalda also had trouble. Anyone else having this issue? Any suggestions on how to fix it?

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RunGo has some suggestions about what could cause audio problems at:

Why isn’t the audio working?
Please check the following:

  • Audio works via speakers, without headphones

  • Close other apps that could be taking over the sounds. We support mixing sounds from other apps, some apps (such as games) will block sounds from other apps.

  • Check volume level on phone and in RunGo settings

  • Check that the volume is on for the phone, Apple Watch, or the paired device in the RunGo settings

I’ve had the same issue with the audio on RunGo stopping. I’ve been able to fix it with the classic turn it off and on again tactic. Just stop the run and start up again. I haven’t had an issue with the GPS finding me on the right spot on the course midway.

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Thanks Julie. I never had this happen other years so it’s kind of weird. Today I ran Run Rabbit Run again and RunGo worked like a charm. :woman_shrugging: