Signup closing soon for the FLRC Bodyweight for Runners class

Good day, runners! The clock is ticking on signups for FLRC’s Bodyweight for Runners class. We need at least 9 people to hold the class, and if enough people sign up in time, the first class will be this Wednesday evening. More details and the necessary registration link here:

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I signed up and paid. I hope if it’s cancelled I get my $96 back. But I hope even more we get a quorum.

Yes, if we’re forced to cancel, we’ll absolutely be refunding all payments. But we put a bunch of work into organizing it and coming up with the safety precautions, so we’re hoping enough people sign up too!

For me it’s a no-brainer, I need the strength and flexibility, and I live within jogging distance of both locations. And in these pandemic times, a good distraction is welcome! also to be with the group even if at a distance. And the price is extremely reasonable: $12 per professional session. What else can you spend your money on now??

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