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And even better, MilesPerMarathon is our own (itself derived) constant! :sweat_smile:

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After recently moving to the area, I eagerly signed up for this challenge despite not running much the past year. After retiring from Binghamton University less than a month ago, and being a medal junky, I decided I better get off my a** and start running these courses. Lord knows I don’t want the longest runs piling up in the last week!
After struggling through the first two uphill miles things evened out and I thoroughly enjoyed the Valley
Views course. I even said hello to the horses. :grin:
I’m thankful that there’s a group run coming up for Run Rabbit Run. Unfortunately it’s the morning after the Primus/Coheed and Cambria show at Tags that my girlfriend and I are attending, but I certainly plan on being there to check another race off. Hopefully there will be runners in the 10-12 mpm pace.


So does hidden times effect the scoring for the age groups at all?
I have wondered if my hidden times hinders or helps the team at all :thinking:
It doesn’t appear to be time based?
I love all the thought :thought_balloon: put into this btw :slight_smile: Kudos! :+1: :+1:

It does not hinder your age group team at all, I believe @adamengst can confirm that was part of the point of the hidden times, so people could still participate and contribute runs/miles towards their team/totals but not need to worry about speed.

As for the “top 10 team members” awards, the main goal of those was to reward those that contributed most to helping their age group win the team competition, so in that case you’ll miss out on the age grade points (usually 5-10% of your total) as you can see here, since hidden times can’t contribute to age grade points.

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Interesting. So would showing my times help the team competition or bite us? :sweat_smile: :woman_shrugging: Probably a moot point anyway since it’s too late to show them I suspect. Just curious :blush:

Yes, that’s correct. If you choose to hide times, we can’t calculate age grade, so you simply don’t get a score there. Since the team age grade points come from the top ten runners by age grade, hiding your times would only hurt the team if your times would have put you in the top ten otherwise.

Without twiddling your setting to show times, there’s no way to know if that would move you into the top team members for the Fantastic 40s.

The main reason it’s probably moot is that the Fantastic 40s have a strong lead that doesn’t seem to be diminishing in the last few weeks as it has the previous two years.

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Nothing like waiting for the last day to get this one completed. Having to work around vacation, race schedules, and injuries, this year’s Challenge was pretty much a one-and-done approach. I cannot thank @dianahackett enough for her company, navigation skills, and a shoulder to wipe my tears on when things got tough during Freeville Fly In. As always, big thanks to @adamengst for finding new places for us to run and all his encouragement. Ready for next year!