Webscorer on Windows

Hey Adam,
Got my first run in yesterday on the BDT 10 miler. Unfortunately not having much luck getting the Webscorer ap on my PC. I only have Microsoft 7, do you think that is the problem?

Yes, sorry, Webscorer requires Windows 10 (or Macs running Catalina, or iOS, or Android).


Windows 7 was end-of-lifed in January 2020, so it’s not receiving security updates and thus could be vulnerable to security vulnerabilities.

I’m not a Windows user, but this article suggests that you may be able to upgrade for free.

Thanks Adam, I’ll check it out.

On a related note, I’ve used Webscorer on Windows and any time the app is open my volume drops off on everything else (Zoom, YouTube, music). I was curious to know if anyone knows why this happens…

Very weird. Webscorer’s support is incredibly responsive, so I’d encourage you to ask via support@webscorer.com.