Barton Workouts Mon 19th & Wed 21st

Nice work to those who raced this weekend. We’ll be up at Barton Mon and Wed night, formally in the house from 7:00 - 8:15, but w/ the ability for FLRC members to go a bit longer.

Monday: Distance crew will be going outside to do an easy 5 - 7 miles in case anyone wants a group to run with. Sprinters will be doing a warmup, drills, and 6 x progressive 200’s w/ 3’ish minute recoveries.

3000 / 3200 - 2 mile warmup outside, 3 x (1x200 @Rep, 60s Rec, 1x800 @TRP w/ 2:30 Rec), 2x200 @R w/ 90sec Rec, 2 mile cooldown outside

1500 / 1600 - 2 mile warmup outside, 2 x (1x200 @FastRep, w/ 90sec Rec, 1x400 @Rep) w/ 3 minutes recovery between sets, 2x200 @FastRep w/ 60sec Rec. 2 mile cooldown outside

600 / 1000 - 2 mile warmup outside, 3-5 x (1x400 @Rep, 1min Rec, 1x200 @TRP) w/ 3 minutes Rec b/w sets, 1 mile cooldown

Sprinters: Warmup, drills, 5-6 x 60m fast, focused on block start and form. Full recovery between.

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