Out-‘FH Fox’-ed
This has been one of the most interesting courses to run throughout the Challenge. Between the Cornell Arboretum and Gardens, and the Cornell farms, there is always something new to see. I took this photo of the fields, not knowing Melissa @mplank would do the same later in the day.
A few weeks ago I saw this growing in the Cornell Arboretum
I still don’t know what it is but it looks creepy to me. I imagined the flowers being suckers that would spring out and attach to my face, scramble my brains with toxins, and cause a tortuous death - something out of an original Star Trek series episode. Fortunately, I was not wearing a red shirt!

Today the friendly-looking puffballs were blooming
I thought I would slip into town today, run a Tough Trail Challenge, and sneak (barely) into second place on the Total Miles board for a day, far behind Pete @Petorius. But, I was out-‘FH Fox’-ed by Melissa, who logged a late afternoon FH Fox while I was on my final course. I will get some small measure of revenge in my Trailipop post in a short while.