FH Fox Star Posts


I ran this in reverse because track man @adamengst has a proclivity for picking the ccw direction for loop courses.

The magnificent ancient oak is lookin quite robust - love this tree!


Huh! I’ve never thought that I might have an inherent bias to running counter-clockwise because that’s how you go around a track. But it’s entirely possible, and now I’ll have to pay attention and see if it’s true. Several of the courses this year have loops that go clockwise as well as counterclockwise, but in general, I think about what I believe will be the “best” way to run.

Of course, the whole Cover the Ground mantra means that everyone’s free to disagree with me and try alternatives. :slight_smile:



Wow I thought I would beat the heat this morning :expressionless: but I didn’t beat the humidity :woman_shrugging:
A slow runner going even slower in the summer :sweat_smile:
Had to walk the last mile :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Did it make me late to work… Yes… Still, better late than heat exhaustion :woman_shrugging::sweat_smile:
Stay safe out there this week! :sweat_drops::hot_face:

Oh, Hi to whoever was cheering me on while riding by when I logged at the sign :wave: :grin: “cover the miles!”



Pretty sure people are getting tired of seeing my face on here :joy::wink:.



Just loving The FLRC Challenge!! Barb Coon and I are enchanted with the trails and loving all the new places! So fun out there! Sometimes we think we are not going to get lost but-we always do! :slight_smile:



Still clinging to second most runs :sweat_smile:



Headed over to the FH Fox course today with my dear friend Marie and it did not disappoint - yet another gorgeous course and great fun!



Started the morning with high hopes of a two-fer today.

Grand plans of sneaking up on Dirk :sweat_smile::woman_shrugging:

Weather and my ankle did not agree with the plan :roll_eyes:
He remains two steps ahead of me :rofl:

Hope everyone stays safe on the FL50! It’s all mudslide by now I’m sure :grimacing:


This was part of my trail challenge day, so here are the links to all of my posts from the day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

I really felt the day’s mileage during this effort, though I was still under half marathon distance. It was so humid and that first mile of full-on sun did some damage to my mojo. I tripped on a root entering the singletrack portion, and though I remained upright, it triggered a spate of walking that I found it hard to recover from. I delighted in getting across the bridge into the arboretum, knowing that my car’s air conditioning was getting closer with every step. I played games with myself to motivate a running stride as I got closer. Tough effort.



Decided to take advantage of the cooler weather today and get another challenge course checked off, this time with Banyan and our other pup Forest.

Forest is a natural canicross dog and so Banyan decided to go ahead with him while i slowly trailed behind.

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Overall I really enjoyed exploring some trails I’d never been on in that area and connecting the dots between monkey run, the rail trail and the arboretum

Got a little confused at the top of the course in the arboretum but eventually figured my way around (thanks to run go)

All in all a good experience getting back into running and Forest and Banyan had a good time. Win/win/win :paw_prints:



Muggy run this morning but High Five :raised_hands: to the leader of the course :smile:
Also saw a buck taking a dip while crossing the bridge



Checked off another course with my wife as she works towards completing the challenge. 2 down and 8 to go for her. It got hotter faster than we would have liked. The humidity didn’t help. But I love this course.



Each year one of the most fun Challenge course runs through Cornell’s land. This year, FH Fox is among my favorite of the 37 courses since the Challenge’s inception. I enjoy the mix of gravel, singletrack, and miscelany on this fast mid-distance route, especially bright and early before it gets too warm.

Run number 3 of 5 in the Tough Trail Challenge went smoothly enough. As I was preparing to leave @caitlin-loehr zipped on by the sign rockin’ the same 2024 Challenge shirt I had on (which was making it’s Challenge run debut).

Following the run I had to head home for breakfast with the kids and some family time. I’d finish the other two courses later with plenty of time on the 12-hour clock. Or so I hoped…



There is a new bridge going up at the first ravine? Ravinelet? Furrow? at the start of the second woods, once you have crossed Freese rd and gone through the fields.

Very nice as I tend to try and jump, and end up landing heavily.



It’s so cool to see all the changes to the courses as the seasons progress :smiling_face::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::ear_of_rice:

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Out-‘FH Fox’-ed
This has been one of the most interesting courses to run throughout the Challenge. Between the Cornell Arboretum and Gardens, and the Cornell farms, there is always something new to see. I took this photo of the fields, not knowing Melissa @mplank would do the same later in the day.

A few weeks ago I saw this growing in the Cornell Arboretum

I still don’t know what it is but it looks creepy to me. I imagined the flowers being suckers that would spring out and attach to my face, scramble my brains with toxins, and cause a tortuous death - something out of an original Star Trek series episode. Fortunately, I was not wearing a red shirt! :ringer_planet::sunglasses:

Today the friendly-looking puffballs were blooming

I thought I would slip into town today, run a Tough Trail Challenge, and sneak (barely) into second place on the Total Miles board for a day, far behind Pete @Petorius. But, I was out-‘FH Fox’-ed by Melissa, who logged a late afternoon FH Fox while I was on my final course. I will get some small measure of revenge in my Trailipop post in a short while. :smile:


When I got home today and checked the board I did a double take :astonished: you jumped on so many miles so quickly, of coarse I had to check if you were doing a TT challenge :joy: sure enough! :smile: Great job!

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The new bridge is up and looking very spiffy. That will deffo save me a sprained ankle in the future.


I hear from @JesseKoennecke that we have former FLRC board member @CharlieTrautmann to thank for this bridge—a welcome addition!