FLRC Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday, June 12 (tonight!) at 6:15 PM

The FLRC Board of Directors will have its monthly meeting tonight, Wednesday, June 12, at 6:15 PM via Zoom. All our meetings are open to the public, so if you’d like to attend, email board-meeting@fingerlakesrunners.org to receive the Zoom connection details via auto-reply (and let me know if you don’t get the auto-reply). The link is the same if you’ve previously requested it.

Our board meetings revolve around club and committee activity updates, including a report on the club’s financial position and quick coverage of past and upcoming races. This month, our main discussions will revolve around:

I open each board meeting with a quick acknowledgment of those who have gone above and beyond in volunteering for the club in the past month. To give credit where it’s due in public, please join me in thanking the following people:

  • Lorrie Tily and Chris Irving for putting on the Women’s Distance Festival 5K
  • Joel Cisne and Gary McCheyne for directing the Thom B. Trail Runs
  • Kris Haines-Sharp and Gill Haines-Sharp for putting on a lovely Twilight 5K last night
  • Rebecca Lambert for taking over the Comm Team chair position for the racing season
  • Diana Hackett for developing PR materials for our Friday Unite! group runs.

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