FLRC roster for PGXC #2 on 10/1/2023

@pgxc-flrc The next race of the 2023 Pete Glavin XC series is Sunday, October 1, and it’s time to get organized! Below is what I have so far for the FLRC team. Please check that your name is listed (or not listed), and reply to this Forum post if you need to change anything.


  • Banyan Love
  • Ben Lambert
  • Rahmon Daily

Adam reached out to the Hulsey’s, but we haven’t yet heard back.


  • Emma Maxtutis (has ? on the Google sheet, not yet on the Forum, but I found her email so have reached out)
  • Laurel Gilmer (has ? on the Google sheet)
  • Hannah Blair
  • Hope Towle
  • Molly Doruska
  • Sarah Ridenour

We can run someone down onto this team so we will have enough runners, but a few more would help the team here.

Ages 40–49 (Masters)

  • Jessica Daily
  • Rebecca Lambert
  • Tanya Burnett

Ages 50–59 (Super Vets)

  • Andrea Kiely
  • Brenda Osovski
  • Julie Barclay
  • Tonya Engst

(@svonschr - if you signed up for this race, we would have a full team of five runners!)

Ages 60-69 (Super Vets)

  • Anne Shakespeare
  • Gill Haines-Sharp
  • Laura Helmerick
  • Lorrie Tily
  • Sandy Gregorich

Ages 70–79 (Ultra Vets)

  • Ruth Sproul

(Ruth, I will run you down to whichever team needs you most - as the roster stands today, you would be essential on the Open team.)

What to wear & borrowing a jersey

Wear shorts that you like to run in. Blue or black works well, but some people like to wear something bright, like orange or pink. (Although I think it will be too hot, if you prefer to run in tights or capris, that’s fine too.)

For your shirt, if you already own an FLRC cross-country team jersey, wear it. If you do not, I will have jerseys with me in fitted and straight sizes, and you can borrow one when you arrive at the race. There should be enough to go around, but they are first-come, first-serve. In case there are not enough in your size, bring a blue shirt to use as an alternative. You may have an older Ithaca 5&10 shirt or blue Challenge shirt that would work well. Or, anything you like wearing when you run. (Although I think it will be too hot, if you prefer to run with a long sleeve shirt under your jersey, that is fine.)

If you have an FLRC jersey in a previous style that you prefer to wear, that is fine.

Carpools & when to arrive & race day logistics

Adam and I will be organizing an FLRC/High Noon carpool that will leave from the southwest corner of Cornell’s B-lot on Sunday morning early, at a time that we’ll announce later this week. Runners who live in downtown Ithaca, please start to think about how you can get to the B-Lot or self-organize a hyperlocal carpool. When we post the carpool message to the Forum later this week, please reply to it if you need a ride or can provide one from downtown. Same thing generally for Dryden/Cortland/Groton.

The race starts at 11am, so I aim to arrive around 10am. When you arrive, pick up your numbers from the main race organizing table, and you can drop off your stuff and find team members at the FLRC tent. Extra jerseys will be at the tent; feel free to borrow one without me if I’m not there. Aim to get to the start line 5–10 minutes before the race so you can join the team cheer and hear announcements.

Directions & maps

The race is at Cato Meridian High School, at 2851 NY-370, Cato, NY, 13033. If you see a small GVH sign once you are near the race, follow it (GVH is the running club that puts on the PGXC series).

The course map link is here or you can view it below.

After the race

When you finish running, stick around near the finish line to cheer for teammates. People who are slower than you have been working hard at their races for longer than you and should be applauded for their efforts!

Do a post-race cool down jog with others on the team. Everyone would benefit from at least a short cooldown jog before getting back in the car.

There will be post-race refreshments, provided by the PGXC series, such as bananas, oranges, energy bars, and single-serving chips/pretzels.

A half-hour or so after all runners finish, there will be an awards ceremony for individuals in their age groups and age-group teams that placed well.

Adam and I will probably stop at Treleaven Winery in King Ferry to stretch our legs and grab a real meal, and we hope to see you there. I’ve contacted them to confirm their hours and menu, so we’ll see what they say. If you have an idea for a similar place that you love in the Genoa/Locke area, let me know. (Summerhill Brewing isn’t enough on the way for most of us.).

If you read this far and still want more info, see the FAQ .

I can come to this one!

@amalia - That’s great! I am looking forward to seeing you at the race, and I’ve got the PGXC roster updated accordingly. :slight_smile:

I should have an N for this one on the spreadsheet, I’m out of town next weekend!

@blairh - Thanks for clarifying. I see your N on the sheet. See you soon! -Tonya

I am a no for this one and will bring my singlet to the dinner to hand off to you.

Sorry you can’t make it, but thanks for thinking of the singlet!