Free video of Phil Wharton's Active Isolated Flexibility 20-minute routine

I often do a variant on this 20-minute flexibility routine in the morning before breakfast. Phil Wharton just sent email with the password — flexgift — offering it as a helpful resource for the running community.

All AIF requires is a rope of some sort; the recommended length is about 8 feet. Normally, I’d say you can get it for cheap at Home Depot, but you probably have something around that can simulate it. And yes, this is definitely for runners—Phil has worked with Meb Keflezighi and other elites. Meg talks about it here:

If you’d like to read more about it, Runners World had an article a while back.

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Phil Wharton has now released his Foot/Ankle Routine video for free as well. The password is flexfeet

Good stuff…