Anyone have any recommendations for a good weight training plan? My goal race is a 5k in the spring. I have followed various trainer created plans before that were more focused on general strength and injury prevention. I’m looking for something more targeted to speed training. There are lots of suggested exercises online and I can piece together my own plan based on those. But was hoping for a little guidance. I have access to both free weights and machines but not the funds to hire a coach or trainer at this point. If you have a plan or routine that works for you I’d love your input.
I have no plans, though I’d be happy to share a few photos of the cards I use in the weight work I do with Dave Diggin if you want. His plans are more aimed at general strength and injury prevention as well, though. The main thing I’d encourage is making sure that you’re doing any exercises with good form. Particularly with free weights, even small mistakes in form can lead to injuries, especially if you’re doing the heavy weights you’d want to for strength and power enhancements.
If I remember watching you run from XC and workouts right, I think you were tending toward the shuffle that becomes more common with age because of not raising the heel toward the butt much. That will shorten the stride and cause you to lose speed. What I don’t really know, not being a PT or strength coach, is the best way of addressing that. It’s possible that it’s a loss of hamstring strength, or there could be some loss of flexibility that makes it hard to flex the lower leg up as much. Doing some butt-kick drills before every run might help rewire that action back into your stride.
Anyway, some stuff to feed into your research hopper.
There’s a book called Functional Training for Athletes at All Levels that has weight training plans for many different sports including distance running. The plans have a lot of plyos and are focused more on speed and power than general strength. I didn’t stick with it long enough to give an adequate review but if you want to check it out you’re welcome to borrow my copy.
Thanks @patrickmilano . I’d be interested in checking it out. You doing the Winter Chill Series? I could connect with you then.
@julie19 I’m not sure if I’ll be at a Winter Chill race. If you’ll be at Hartshorne or a Tuesday workout I could bring it there.
Thanks @patrickmilano. I’ll catch up with you after the holiday.
I have a subscription to a service called Everathlete:
I really like it. They’ve got strength programs tailored for runners, cyclists, and triathletes. Some are bodyweight only and some use weights. The people who run it are physical therapists and athletic trainers and are very responsive to give advice.
Hi Julie! Perfect timing to get a weight training plan in! I am going to be hosting a strength training workshop for runners this winter if you would like to join at my new PT clinic (will be sharing details hopefully soon)! Or if you want something sooner and more personalized I am happy to do a gait analysis/runner’s screen as soon as you want to get something designed perfectly for you! I would just be cautious on starting any plyometrics too soon in your strength training, especially if you have not done them in awhile and are all currently running! Feel free to text call me any time! (607) 280-6705
Thanks for the recommendation @DanVerderosa but not really looking to add a paid subscription at this point.
Thanks for the offer @arobertson but I’m able to invest more time into my training at this point but not more money. I was hoping for a few suggestions to add to my current routine. Plyometrics are not high on my list of options due to some degenerative issues with my knees.
Totally understandable! If you want to give me your email I can send you a few exercise suggestions from my exercise program just let me know if you have access to free weights/bands, etc.
I seam to have lost where you typed your email address out…I have a few exercises to send your way if you don’t mind sharing with me again! If you don’t feel comfortable listing it here my email address is
Thanks @arobertson! I appreciate it!
Just a reminder that you can use the forum to send private messages to any user without knowing their (or sharing your) email address. Click their name and then click the blue Message button. Users receiving private messages will be notified of them via email and can respond that way too.
That’s how I sent her my address the first time. Honestly my email has been in every data breach known to man so I really don’t mind posting it. LOL
Thank you!! I did not realize!!