Hey, hope this finds you all well and coming off of nice holiday periods. Sorry to be coming in late with this week’s workout details.
We started at the end of November in our first three week Microcycle (Acceleration Development & Aerobic Capacity - Tempo) and this week will finish our second (Speed Development and Aerobic Power - Lactate Threshold). We’ll assemble at 7:15 and be ready to go at 7:20. With Cornell out of session we’ll plan to revert to using the Eastern / Garden Ave doors to Barton and the best place to park if needed in the parking garage tucked in next to Schoellkopf Field between Campus and Hoy Rd’s. For those joining us for the first time, or not having done a ton of running, don’t stress it, you can join us and pick off as much as you feel comfortable and I can try to guide you in there.
- Dynamic Warmup - 7:20 - 8:00:
As I mentioned in the prior email, I’m interested in giving a go at a fairly extensive dynamic workout which I pulled together from the fairly high performing Raknunan HS in Japan. I’m always up for continued analysis of what we’re doing, whether it makes sense, and whether there are better possibilities. When I think about what warmups typically are, and what we’re getting out of them…usually junk miles which people use to add to their weekly tally, a bit of physio warmup, and socialization. I think we can cut out some of the junk and improve the use of this time to improving coordination, neuro sequencing and timing, core / strength, and full body activation. Raknunan’s seems to check those boxes. Here’s the sequence. It’ll take us a bit of time to get it down, but I’d like to try. If anyone’s up for digging into the document and series before Monday night to assist that would be awesome. After the sequence, I’ll have you do something like 800 meters of run warmup in progressive format.
- Workout - 8:00 - 8:45
Monday 1/6: 7a. Aerobic Power / Lactate Threshold:
3-6 x broken 1k (Ideally, up to 25% of your weekly volume)
- 600m @ LT pace, rest 60” - 75”, 400m @ VO2 pace or faster, rest for combined 600+400 time
Establishing your target paces for the workouts (I can help you figure this out if needed Monday night, or you can not over-think it, just fall in with someone and figure it out):
- You can use the vDot Calculator here to find your target Threshold and VO2 paces…plug in your rough current mile race time, click through to training paces below. For the 600…you’ll have to split the difference between 400 and 800 and looking at the Threshold column. For the VO2 pace, click on the Equivalents tab, see what your rough 5k projection is based on your mile, use that 5k race pace for a 400 distance
Wednesday 1/8: 7b. Speed Development
- 7-12 x 75m flys @ full effort, 3’-4’ rest
- Cool-Down - 8:45 - 9:00 (easy jog 800 - 2 miles inside or out)
For those interested, Tuesday night’s session, run by Adam Engst, will be doing repeat 200’s. There’s also the first FLRC indoor meet this Sunday at Barton. You can see what that looks like and register here.
See you all in a bit!