Picking this off into the back half…let’s Go Bills!
On deck this week, continuing w/ an intensive tempo / V02 segment focus for Monday. Same cumulative set volume but dispersed through a bit shorter on and rest cycle.
- Aerobic Monday: 6-9 x 600m @ VO2, rest ~2’ at minimum
- Workout is Row 36 on the Pyramid spreadsheet here. Plug in your estimated mile time at the top, click enter, and look across on row 36 to see your target on-pace and rest.
Will continue with pure speed focus for Wednesday.
- Speed Wednesday: 8-12 x fly’s @ full effort w/ full recovery
Adam’s Tuesday Mithical Milers session will run as always as well with a workout posted tomorrow on the FLRC Forum.
Again, let’s continue to assemble on the west / Statler side of the building, lower level around 7:10 and move up sometime after 7:15 once we’re sure the Cornell Track Team is clear. I know it’s a bit longer walk around but please meet on the lower side versus coming in the main throw-cage doors.