Proposed 2025 FLRC Challenge courses and possible shirt colors

Good day, @Challengers! We may have closed out the 2024 FLRC Challenge last September, but lots of informal discussions and course lobbying have taken place since, and I’m now happy to present my proposed courses for the 2025, which is tentatively scheduled to start April 19). I haven’t vetted all of these for possible construction or trail closings, so things may change, but here’s what I have now, for a total of 61.4 miles. (For the half challenges, the Black Diamond Trail would be classed as tarmac.)

  • Sweet 1600 (1.0): Any track, anywhere, although there’s a possibility we’ll have another carefully measured course on a local farm.

  • Mulholland Waterfalls (2.7): How many of you never knew these lovely trails were hidden deep in the heart of Ithaca? This is our short trail course for the year for those dipping their toes into trail running (and Six Mile Creek, once the weather gets hot).

  • Lakefront Loops 5K (3.1): I keep this one in the rotation partly because it’s a great course and partly so you can submit any 5K race time as long as you also post about the race as well.

  • Lansing Cliffs (4.3): These trails north of Lansing are lovely, and because they’re new, almost no one has seen them. They encompass both woods and fields.

  • Fall Creek Trails (5.4): You might think we’ve exhausted all the trails around the Cornell Botanic Gardens F.R. Newman Arboretum, but you’d be wrong! And that’s after Jamie and Caitlin nixed a possible shortcut that’s apparently too treacherous.

  • Town & Gown Up & Down (5.9): It’s a lot of flat connected by hills on either end. Many people probably don’t know about the shady gorge trail up from Collegetown to the tennis courts.

  • Abbott Ascent (8.0): We’re making a return to Danby, and the full Abbott Loop is like running the second loop of the 23K Danby Down & Dirty course, so you’ll be expert in it by October.

  • Black Diamond Park to Park (8.4): I don’t love reusing a course, but letting people start on either end of the trail is great, and the BDT is such a wonderful flat place to run—it’s often our most popular course. Plus, we have a porta-john on it. I vaguely considered this loop of the BDT and Dubois Road, which could start and end at our porta-john, but it’s harder to get to for everyone.

  • Triple Hump (9.2): This will get you out in the countryside for a long run. I promise to share—but only through word of mouth, not online—the location of the stone VW bug sculpture from 1976 that’s just off this course.

  • North Country Half (13.1): We ran some of this trail two years ago, but this time we’ll stick to the west side, avoiding Lick Brook, and we’ll go all the way to the end. It’s long but lovely, and those for whom a half marathon is a stretch will prefer hiking this to last year’s Freeville Fly-In.

So the question is if there’s any special knowledge you have about any of these courses that would require rerouting or replacement. (And if you have any clever name suggestions that are better than what I have here, I’ll consider them—that’s where we got Duck Trails last year.)

The course names are important in part because they’re the background for the shirt. I’m planning on sticking with the same basic design this year but with new colors. I’m also planning to put the total distance and elevation under Cover the Ground on the back. Here are a few combinations I’m considering—vote for your favorite. No promises, but I’ll see what works as we get into design.

Which color combination would you prefer?
  • Yellow logo and text on Maroon/Burgandy background (Near IHS colors)
  • Yellow logo and text on Crimson Red background (More of a Cornell red)
  • Yellow logo and text on Forest Brown background (Like trail signs)
0 voters


Hi Adam, they look great although I’m a little bit daunted by both Mount Pleasant and Treman.

On my phone, the link for the short Muholland trail goes to the Lansing cliffs so I couldn’t see the path for the short course.

Thanks for all your hard work. Jamie.

Oops, too many inscrutable URLs floating around. Here’s the link for Mulholland, and I fixed the post above too.

Adam: Thanks for fixing link for the Mulholland Trail route. I,m struggling with the inclusion. I have run these trails many times and they are my go-to short run many days - but not during mid to late May, the high partying season. Even though the proposed route stays above the main party area there is still considerable chances for some potentially unpleasant interactions. On the other hand 95% of the time there is no problem so perhaps with appropriate wording about what one might encounter it will work

One thing to consider with shirt colors, if you are expecting folks to run in them, is visibility. As my neighbor kindly pointed out to me I blend in with the foliage on the side of the road wearing the green and it makes me hard to see. So I rarely wear that one. The tree trunk brown color may have the same issue (unless paired with your favorite neon shorts). Just a thought.

The BDT trail one will need to start on Gorge road this year. The old parking lot (where run rabbit run started) is gone and the new building off of Gorge road is under construction. Until that lot opens this year, people can park on Gorge road and the sign should be on the south side of the road.

Regarding the shirts - is there an opportunity to offer a tank top version? A lot of us have done the challenge every year and it could be a fun way to mix it up a bit?

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Loving the new courses this year! Seconding Bob’s concern for that short period, though not a dealbreaker…maybe we could turn it into an impromptu “on on” type situation!

Oh, I didn’t think about that at all. My understanding that most of the partying was higher up at the dams, not on the main Mulholland trails.

I’d rather not drop a course just because it’s not ideal for two weeks out of four months—we often have times when certain courses are off-limits briefly or at least not recommended, so let’s just pay attention and communicate about that when we get closer.

Noted, though it doesn’t look like it will be an issue since the two red options are significantly more popular.

It’s not impossible, but the tank tops I made for Trackapalooza weren’t all that popular, and that would limit the times they could worn by a good bit.

Good point—I have it on my list to talk with William Hughes at Taughannock about those construction plans. If it’s problematic, it may make sense to skip BDT this year.

Aw shucks - Treman is the longest trail again! I’m never going to get that course sign! :wink:
I’d love a tank top option too if it’s a possibility.

Hmm! Now that I think about it, it may be possible to have shirts and tank tops in the same design, more or less. I’ll ask USA Racing.

Tonya was saying she felt the racerback style tank was more popular with women than the standard tank top, so I’ll ask about that, too.

Oooh, the second half of Mile 1 of Lansing Cliffs… I’ve been down there and know what it’s like to hike back up. sweat_smile: Folks will like the remainder of this course.

And, don’t worry, I’m chuckling about it - not complaining. Looking forward to these courses - and finally getting to go on the triple hump course!

Yeah, @rebeccamlambert said she preferred a specific direction on that loop, but when we had the group run out there in December, some went the other way and it looked tough. But pretty short.

Remember the saying Tonya came up with for our PGXC award fortunes:

Where there’s a hill, there’s a way.

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Okay, clarification - the partying isn’t on the main trails, but the partiers are while going to and from the main area (“the beach”) and not all of them are sober…but the real chance of interaction is at the far end, above the 2nd dam…while the trail misses “the beach”, there are folks slipping off for some privacy (need I say more?) and then there are folks lining up to jump off a high point right near the turn back to the start.

This shouldn’t be a reason NOT to run it - just worth warning folks about the increased activity. (I won’t mention the occasional off-leash dog…as that is a possibility on any of our trails). One side effect of that increased activity: there is no parking anywhere near the trailhead. So that might be a good barometer - if you can park, you’ll have a trouble-free run!

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That might also affect the course distance too, which would mean scoring it differently and putting the halfway turnaround sign in a different spot.

I hope we don’t have to skip it. The new lot is built - I can’t imagine it will open that late in season. The old lot is being returned to natural state and will no longer be a parking area. So at most it could be a couple months into challenge before that lot opens and folks have to park on gorge road. Either way, gorge road entrance to trail is a great spot for the sign.

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This looks like a great mix of courses. I can’t wait for April 19th! I have feedback on a few of them.

Town & Gown: I live (until July) one block from this course so I’ll be running it a lot. My only concern is that parking may be tight if the sign is at the small lot on the suspension bridge’s north side. Expect non runners to be parking there too, plus on-street parking is limited. Another possible spot for the start/finish is near Ithaca Falls. It’s a popular tourist spot, but has a larger parking lot and plenty of street parking close by.

I tried to play test RunGo for this one today but was thwarted halfway when trying to run on sidewalks and gravel paths that were solid ice. I think that little path behind the fence off Queen Street will be awkward to run through when school is in session.

Abbott Loop: This is tough 8 miles, but is well marked and a nice preview for the Down & Dirty. Thanks for including it.

North Country Half: When the FLT crosses west of Hines Road it goes through private land. As recently as last summer this section wasn’t marked too well and it was hard to follow the trail. It’s not impossible, but some will find it difficult to navigate and already difficult course. Treman Park recently added, via the Land Trust, a new section called Margaret’s Wood. It includes almost 2 miles of new trails that aren’t on any maps yet but are open to the public, along with new parking lot and kiosk. This section would make for a good alternate route if needed.

Triple Hump: I’m sure how crowded parking gets at the Ellis Hollow Preserve. If parking is a concern, this could be expanded slightly with the sign near the intersection of Stevenson and Dodge as it was previously.

Thanks for reminding me of this. The suspension bridge spot is unlikely since I suspect Cornell will have an opinion, but I was moving quickly and the map was zoomed there. I agree that Ithaca Falls might be perfect if we can get permission from the City. I guess the only slight downside is that it would be across the street from the course.

Fingers crossed on that one—I’ve gone through it a lot in the spring or summer, but I don’t remember if it was during school or not.

I was thinking this might be a good location for a remote porta-john if the Cayuga Trails club is amenable.

Hmm! @veritymo @rogmos, have you run on those trails semi-recently as well? I’ve never been up that far.

Without being able to see these new trails on a map, I can’t tell where they are or if they’d give us the needed distance of 6.55 miles out and back.

I don’t think it was a problem two years ago when we had the Ellis Hollow Creek Crossings course there, so apart from a big group run, it shouldn’t be an issue. I know you, you’re just trying to get the courses longer. :slight_smile:

I am really liking these courses, even the road ones!! Super excited to have a long Treman back.