World Indoor Athletics Championships 2024 - Watching 3/03

Morning all!

Between Friday, March 1 and Sunday, March 3, the World Indoor Athletics Championships will be taking place in Glasgow, UK, with a morning and evening session each day. The full timetable is available here.

As there’s a nice 5 hour time difference back to the UK, the 7pm-10pm evening sessions fall quite nicely to 2pm-5pm EST, and I wondered if there was any interest in watching on either day - but probably Sunday, March 3, because there’s more finals? My immediate thought was to tie it in with a nice long Sunday run beforehand, and then settle in for three hours of TV safe in the knowledge that I’ve already achieved something with my day!

I’m not quite as sure about being able to secure a venue like Bike Bar this time around unless the stars aligned, but if anyone has any suggestions for a venue (or a nice big living room that they would be happy to accommodate some sweaty runners in!), then I’d love to hear it!

I thought I’d do a poll below, just to check interest, and maybe we could work with that - feel free to reply in the comments with any thoughts!

The ‘I like watching people run in circles’ poll
  • I’d be keen to join and watch together!
  • I’d be keen to join and run before!
0 voters

The Dryden Hotel isn’t terribly convenient to Ithaca, but there’s good running on the Jim Schug Trail, and while we probably couldn’t reserve an entire room at that time unless we had a ton of people, they do have two spaces with big-screen TVs that we could de facto take over.

This sounds fun! I live in Trumansburg, so whether or not I join the watch party will depend on location. I’d definitely drive down to Ithaca to watch with a group, but Dryden is a bit farther than I’d likely drive.

Hi to those of you who responded to my poll - and anyone else who might stumble across this before the weekend!

I’ve decided to keep this fairly low-key in comparison to the Marathon Trials, and so am happy to host anyone who gets in touch in the really nice common area of my apartment building that I’ve been able to reserve for the Sunday afternoon. It’s right next to the public library on East Green Street here, and there’s free parking in the multistory behind the building too.

I don’t think I’ll be organizing a group run before, and may just be doing the Skunk run instead, especially given the great turnout it seemed to get last weekend!

I’ll be streaming either through CBNC/ Peacock (if someone gives me a login!) or through the BBC (coverage on the BBC also starts at 1:30pm), because I much prefer watching British commentary with the added benefit of no commercials too… :slight_smile:

If you want to drop me a private message on here, I can share my cell number if you want any further details. Feel free to bring friends/ family, and any snacks you may want to get you through the afternoon and maybe share around - there is also vending machines in the building.

See you on Sunday! Here’s the start lists if you’re interested too.

(cc @heathercobb3 @adamengst @bethany-schiller @Kyle_Reynolds @ChelseaB @kcmccormick8 @aaron.proujansky1 @Gerald @amalia )

I’ll bring snacks!!!


Thanks for organizing this Jon! I have to do a little work on Sunday, but should finish in time for this. I have a Peacock account (and I enjoy Kara Goucher’s commentary) but I am also not opposed to British commentary

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Another vote for Kara Goucher but they do cut to a lot of commercials. Mostly in 3k though and longest race on Sun is the 1500


+1 for the Brit commentary — gonna see if I can offload the kids for the afternoon…and bring a 12 pack?:beers:

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I’m not sure I’ll be able to come but hope to stop by for at least a little bit! I like Kara Goucher’s commentary - maybe we could watch the races she’s calling on Peacock and the British commentary for the rest?

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That sounds good to me!

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Awesome, sounds great! @bethany-schiller if you bring a laptop, I’m sure we can hook up both streams and have them both going at the same time?

I also am a fan of Kara Goucher, having been introduced to her podcast by @kcmccormick8 and am currently trying to plough through Season 1 and catch up to the episodes about Des running in the Olympic Trials!

Yes, I can bring a laptop.

I LOVE Nobody Asked Us!! The most recent episode includes some previews and predictions for worlds, and a discussion of the standards. It might be worth jumping ahead to listen that one before the weekend!

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Thanks for organizing. I’m in and a big fan of the BBC (we get their feed in Canada for the Diamond League). But I also appreciate Goucher’s commentary.

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Have fun! I picked up Covid last weekend, so I’m still avoiding gathering inside with folks. Sad to miss the watch party!

Ah, sorry Chelsea. Get better, and see you soon!

I’m driving down from Cayuga Heights near Warren and Hanshaw if anyone needs a ride.

We need a club list of podcast recommendations. Kara Goucher is also on Relay currently my favorite running podcast!

A post was split to a new topic: Favorite Running Podcasts

Heya! I am here at Cayuga Place Apartments, and the main door is locked. How can I find you guys? :slight_smile:

It was big fun watching the best in the world compete with a slew of running friends. Thanks to @jonlewis for organizing, and I hope we can do more events like this.