After Saturday's ugly sweater run, here is a run for Sunday, 12/15

The club’s official run this weekend is Saturday’s Ugly Sweater run, and I think it will be a lot of fun. Look in the Group Runs & Workouts section on the Forum for a post about that soon.

On Sunday, 12/15, I’ll be informally meeting people to run and then eat at the Danby Fire House’s pancake breakfast. The cost of breakfast is $12.

  • Where to meet: Dotson Community Park park and ride (Google maps pin) – don’t park at the pancake breakfast so we don’t overwhelm that parking
  • When to meet: 8:15 AM
  • Start running at: 8:30 AM

Suggested routes from @gumbywhale are below and range from 3ish to 7ish miles. We’ll pick one or two routes so that most of us run together. @gumbywhale can steer us to the best options, depending on what we want to do. If you are looking to run longer (@Dirk_Swart), you could arrive earlier and do a loop before 8:15. If you want to run faster, slower, shorter, bring a friend, whatever, that’s fine – this is an informal run, so you are in charge of your own navigation.

3.8 miles

4.8 miles

6.7 miles

@amalia @Marie_Donnelly @Mikhail_Kern @meganthom @rebeccamlambert @Tristan_Lambert @veritymo @Mike_S @jonlewis @ChelseaB @JesseKoennecke @patrickmilano

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With more help from @gumbywhale, I culled the routes mentioned in my first post so that there are now only three, and they are arranged in order by length. If you who want to run longer, here are two more options:

8.1 miles

10.6 miles

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@tonya-engst Is it possible for us all to agree on a route before the run?
Without knowing the group run distance, it is hard to plan a pre run route.

I am planning to do the 4.8 miles loop. Does anyone else have strong opinions?

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Well that was really nice!

It really was. :slight_smile: