You may find yourself wanting to reply to a forum post with just “Thanks!” or “Good job.” or “I agree.” Although we strongly encourage everyone to be supportive, such short posts add little to the discussion, so the Discourse system has a way you can express your support or approval without replying.
Much like on Facebook or Twitter, you can “like” a post by clicking the heart button underneath it. The forum then notifies the poster that you liked their post and shows a number next to the heart that indicates how many people have liked it. It’s a great way to interact in a positive way, even when you don’t have much to say. Remember, you do have to be logged in to “like” a post.
I find that I am not always happy about a post. Sad news for instance, someone has been injured/died, or an event has been canceled. I would like to express my feelings about it. But, with the options we have, none of the available emojis fit, I don’t think. Is there any way to add a sad face to the list?
Indeed there is—look now. I had avoided including a negative reaction before on general principles of encouraging positive discussions, but you’re absolutely correct that a sad reaction can still be supportive.
I’ve also now implemented custom tooltips to suggest “That’s sad” for the frowning face. I had to drop the shoe to fit everything on one line, but it was unclear what it meant as a reaction anyway.