It’s time to check out another of our longer FLRC Challenge trails: the lovely Treman Trailipop course! Join us for this weekend’s FLRC Challenge 7.5-mile group run.
We’ll meet at 8:30 AM at the Lick Brook parking lot and start running at 8:45 AM. After the run, we can hang out and enjoy some refreshments, which I strongly suspect will include watermelon.
If you haven’t yet picked up your purple FLRC Challenge shirt, this is a great opportunity to get it from me and enjoy a weekend run with friends. If you can’t make it to any of these group runs, contact me to arrange a pickup.
Please vote in the pace poll below (with your road pace—paces will be slower on the hilly trails) so others can get a sense of who else will be running their pace. We usually have a wide range of runners.
- Sub-8:00-minute pace
- 8:00-9:00-minute pace
- 9:00-10:00-minute pace
- 10:00-11:00-minute pace
- 11:00-12:00-minute pace
- 12:00-13:00-minute pace
- 13:00-minute+ pace
- I plan on hiking
Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, ability, pace, or anything else. If you haven’t yet signed up for the Challenge, please sign the FLRC 2024 Training Programs waiver. You only need to sign once for all 2024 group runs, so if you’ve already done so, you’re all set—check here.)
- I can give a ride
- I need a ride
If you have questions or are interested in volunteering as a greeter/host for similar group runs, contact FLRC Group Run director Heather Cobb.
Subscribe to FLRC’s Google Calendar so race dates, group runs, and other club events flow into your calendar. Import this ICS file for most calendar apps; subscribe to if you use Google Calendar.