The next FLRC group run will be this Sunday August 4, at Fillmore Glen State Park. Meet at the main pavilion inside Fillmore Glen State Park at 9:00 AM and we will begin running at 9:15 AM. There is a park entrance fee, but entry is free if you have an Empire Pass, or park across the street at the gas station and walk over.
We will be using the Forge the Gorge Trail Race 8-mile/3-mile courses. Familiarize yourself with the course maps on the race website: 8-mile and 3-mile. We will break up into groups and designate leaders – remember, this is not a race, so take your time, pay attention to the trail markings, and make sure no runners get left behind.
(If you really like this course, consider signing up for Forge the Gorge on August 8!)
Please vote in the poll below using your road pace so others can get a sense of who else will be running their pace. We always have a wide range of runners, so you’ll generally find someone to run with.
- Sub-8:00-minute pace
- 8:00-9:00-minute pace
- 9:00-10:00-minute pace
- 10:00-11:00-minute pace
- 11:00-12:00-minute pace
- 12:00-13:00-minute pace
- 13:00-minute+ pace
- I plan on hiking
Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, ability, pace, or anything else. This is a free activity and club membership is not required, but please sign the waiver before your first run this year. You only need to sign the waiver once for all 2024 group runs, so if you’ve already signed it, you’re all set! (Check Webscorer to verify that you signed.)
- I can give a ride
- I need a ride
If you have questions or are interested in volunteering as a greeter/host for similar group runs, contact FLRC Group Run director Heather Cobb ( See you this weekend!
Subscribe to FLRC’s Google Calendar so race dates, group runs, and other club events flow into your calendar. Import this ICS file for most calendar apps; subscribe to if you use Google Calendar.