FLRC/High Noon Cross-country team: It’s time to register!

The cross-country racing season begins soon, and it’s time to register for the races you want to run. If you miss running cross-country from high school or want to experience competing on a running team where everyone counts, join the FLRC/High Noon team as we run in the Pete Glavin Cross Country (PGXC) series.

We’ve updated the PGXC Cross-Country Teams page with registration directions and other essential information. If you have questions, you can reach out to me, Adam, or your age-group team captain on the FLRC Forum. The upcoming Ithaca 5&10 race and FLRC picnic are also great places to get your questions answered.

After you sign up for one or more PGXC races, please fill out a row on the team roster in Google Sheets as explained in the registration directions. To receive team logistical details (including party invites), you must be in either the @pgxc-flrc or @pgxc-high-noon group on the forum (ask me or @adamengst to add you).

Optional Tuesday night team workouts have begun at the Cornell Botanic Gardens. Watch the Group Runs category on the FLRC Forum for details.

See you on the run,
—Tonya & Adam (FLRC/High Noon team captains)


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