FLRC workouts for the week of February 1st, 2021

It’s looking like another snowy week, culminating on Saturday with FLRC’s Super Frosty Loomis snowshoe race! Only one more spot is available, so if you’ve been dragging your heels on signing up, now’s the time.

And if you’re intrigued by snowshoeing but are intimidated by a race as your first effort, we understand. If you’d be interested in participating in an informal clinic some weekend day where you could try out a pair of borrowed running snowshoes, just reply to this post. (A number of us who enjoy snowshoeing have an extra pair or two to lend.) Snowshoeing is a fabulous cardio and strength workout, despite being low impact, and there’s little more fun than bombing a steep downhill with claws on your feet.

That said, given the likely poor footing for running and cold temperatures, I’m going to stick with recommending another set of fartlek workouts this week. Stay safe out there!

Middle Distance Workouts (5K to 15K)

  • Workout: For each repetition, look ahead of you to a telephone pole or mailbox or tree or just something you can fixate on that will take at least 30 seconds to get to. Then gradually pick up the pace and run to that spot—no specific pace but it should feel fast enough that you’re working. The goal is to enjoy running fast for an easily doable distance. Then come back to a steady-state pace—slower than M pace, but not jogging. Run that pace for 30–60 seconds, or until your breathing has stabilized and you feel ready for the next pickup. Repeat for 30 minutes, or until the pickups don’t feel fun anymore. Don’t go over 45 minutes.

  • Long Run: 25-30% of your weekly mileage at E pace

Long Distance Workouts (Half Marathon to Marathon)

  • Workout: Follow fartlek instructions above, but for 45 minutes or until the pickups don’t feel fun anymore. Don’t go over 60 minutes.

  • Long Run: 25-30% of your weekly mileage at E pace


Thank you for the offer / idea. I would love to try snowshoeing! I have XC skies and ice skates but no snow shoes. My running shoes are 11 men’s. Let me know when we have enough for a workshop.

Thank you for all that you do,


Great! For anyone who doesn’t realize, you just attach running snowshoes to your normal running shoes, so they’ll fit basically all sizes. There are numerous running snowshoe brands and models, but they’re all a lot smaller and lighter than old-style snowshoes.

Hi Adam! I do have running snowshoes but have found it to be an awful activity. Just running in the snow seems easier. Maybe I’m doing it wrong? Or maybe a workshop with some encouragement would break the stigma. Anyway, if you set something up I’d be interested.

Sounds like you might not have been picking the snow conditions where snowshoes would be a help. If there isn’t enough snow on the ground to make it slippery, the snowshoe claws won’t be much help. And if the snow isn’t deep enough to make breaking through it a slog, the wide bed of the snowshoes won’t help either.

Offhand, I’d say that snowshoes are best when there’s at least a 1- to 3-inch base, and the deeper it gets beyond that, the more necessary they are. Breaking trail in a foot of snow is an insane workout. It’s most fun when there’s a trail to follow but where you’d be sliding all over or breaking through in running shoes.

But there is definitely added enjoyment in the group experience. It’s another way runners can do something that everyone else will think is crazy. :slight_smile:

@esambo and @Dave_K are the main snowshoe guys in the club these days, with @gumbywhale and @Gretchen being the main women I know who showshoe regularly. @mmeister is also getting into it.