Happy Holidays Scavenger Hunt Week 4 begins Monday, 12/11

For water, I took a photo from the bridge on the East Hill Recway looking downstream. I like the way the light falls softly here at dusk and you can see across the small valley to some of the Cornell buildings.

I grew up in the Jewish-American tradition and even though I do some Christmassy things as an adult, wearing Christmas-themed clothing is just not me. However, I took a photo of my friend @tpdady in his holiday running tights with @Gretchen who is wearing a festive Skunk Cabbage shirt. We were at the Last Chance Pancake Run at Highland Forest. I also wore my Skunk shirt to add color to the outing as you can see in this photo with @gumbywhale.

@Dave_K and @Gretchen kindly posed by a trashcan, and I saw some geese from the car while driving home as you can see at the upper-left of the photo.

Today, I toured my neighborhood on the run and found many boring mailboxes. No geese, no Santas, no lights, nothing. At the top of my hilly neighborhood, I finally found a barn mailbox.


Bit late for posting this week (blame Bills v Cowboys and the Buffalo rain last night…) but still lots of fun gathering the latest batch of photos!

My favourite local mailbox:

A bin on campus during December graduation…

Another shot from the excellent Ugly Sweater group run (I’m the third human from the right):

A gloomy looking Houston Pond in the Botanic Gardens on Sunday morning:

And later on that same run, some cold-looking Canada geese on Beebe Lake:

Woot! :christmas_tree:


The creativity continues! Out of the 15 participants for week four, 12 of you found all five items! You are listed below, but this week’s race director’s choice is @amalia for teasing us with gorgeous pictures of the high desert.


The above participants, plus Amalia, will have their names entered into the drawing at the end of the event. Your name can be entered more than once, so check out week five’s items and keep posting!

If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me.