Happy Holidays Scavenger Hunt Week 5 begins Friday, 12/27!

It’s the final week of FLRC’s Happy Holidays Scavenger Hunt as we wrap up week four! Be sure you post your items any remaining one by the weekend!

Are we ready for the penultimate week five?! From today to New Years Day (12/27–1/1), find as many of these items as you can while out on your walk, run, or hike.

This week’s set of items are as follows -

  • FLRC Outfits - your favourite running apparel Maybe Santa brought you something nice?

  • Best sunrise/sunset photos - We’ve had the shortest day, I guess it should be good for something, right?

  • Trails-trails - a picture on your favourite trail/ path/ trail marker

  • Best statue/ sculpture - snow-people count too

  • and finally… the most out-of-place item found on your run!

Once you find your item, take a selfie or picture and post it on this thread. Remember, for every selfie or picture of one of these items that you post, you get one point. All runner(s) will be entered into the swag drawing at the end of the event!

I went out at 4:00 today in the hope of getting a good sunset photo. No luck, but I did find this cute little snowman in the park on North Cayuga:

He reminded me that I had double FLRC gear on too:

The quarter zip is from the 2021 Challenge. Vintage :wink:


This hat was gifted to me as my first piece of FLRC gear. Wore during the group run this morning.

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Donned my 2021 FLRC Challenge 1/4 zip after my run yesterday. Then I went straight to putting the finishing touches on this cake!

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Went for a run with Tristan (who carries his phone, unlike me, and could thus take photos) while visiting my sister in Woodside, CA. We were able to find two sculptures, and I was wearing both the Skunkadelic shirt and my FLRC hat.


It was warm enough today to wear my favorite FLRC shirt for my run


I ran up from downtown to my favorite spot on the waterfront “trail”. Seagulls sitting on the side of the melting ice:

The most out of place thing today is definitely the temperature. It is warmer right now in Ithaca than in my hometown of Phoenix AZ. Not to be too climate doom about it so here is my photo of a temperature reading:

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While running in Woodside, California, I came upon this larger-than-life snowman inflatable “statue.”

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I felt like a scavenging master yesterday!

Sunrise from my back porch as I headed to Ithaca for a run and errands:

TWO sculptures at Cass Park. You should have seen the outtakes from me trying to take a picture with Gaia in my 2024 FLRC Challenge shirt :

I forgot about the trailhead pic until a couple of miles into my run. I decided to snap a picture of the sign near the trail loop between the Treman Marina and lake. This loop is one of my favorites in the area. I purposely save it for the end of my run.

Finally, I spent some time reflecting on the development of the Waterfront Trail, the Ithaca Children’s garden (my oldest kid is less than a year older the Gaia), and all that area connects to.


Favorite trail: Steege Hill Nature Preserve. It’s close to home, challenging and I can get some solitude


Here’s me in my FLRC buff, one of my most-often worn garments

.With it being so cloudy this past week, it was hard to find a good sunrise. Today, Old Sol came through though.
Week 5 sunrise
But yesterday I did get this lovely no-sunrise-through-the-fog shot of lots & lots of birds who decided to make their own distinctive pattern in the heavy fog.
Week 5 Sunrise. Birds on a wire
On Christmas morning I got in a little xc skiing up from my back door on some long-time favorite trails. Unfortunately, I learned that with age it’s become really really difficult for me to get up again after falling, and I couldn’t get my skis off either. I spent quite some time thrashing about in the snow.

Which leads to the out-of-place item. When I finally got home, I found that my ski wax had fallen out of my pocket during said thrashing about, so I changed into snowshoes and retraced my steps. And here it is, out of place for sure!

Finally, can I submit this neat community art installation for a sculpture? It lives in our park in downtown Spencer.
Take note of how far away that bench is.

Week 5 snake 2
Week 5 snake 3
End of snake!

But in case the powers that be deem that an art installation is not a sculpture, here’s one of several in that same park, made completely of old farm tools & parts thereof.


Most out of place item:
A pair of old (ice skates ?) in the woods, up in a tree.

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First run of the new year yielded a nice sunset and I remembered to take a picture of a sculpture only last minute, so I took a pic of one of my garden sculptures as I finished my run :smiling_face:


Don’t you want to know the story about how those got there? :wink:

The final item left on the list for me to scavenge was the most out of place item. Here are a few I found today:

Me (in another FLRC item):

Running in this:


I ran ‘loops’ on the road to minimize the consecutive minutes a single ear was exposed to the wind:

Finally, I spotted this old vehicle on the side of the road with a tree growing through it:


I’m late with this post but the picture was on time! On the last day of the year I went for a run at the time of sunset. Not much actual sunset visible because of the clouds, but I did get this sliver:

And yesterday I started the year right by running with FLRC friends! I have 10 more days in town so I’ll see more of you soon :slight_smile:


This looks really fun!

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