Remember to meet downstairs on the west side of Barton Hall at 7:15 again this week, where we’ll do warmups before moving up to the track at 7:30.
We have another great workout that’s guaranteed to help your conditioning and leg speed for the mile and similar races. We’ll be doing an up-down ladder that, for those with 35+ miles per week will be:
- 200m at R pace with 200m recovery
- 400m at R pace with 200m recovery
- 600m at I pace with 400m recovery
- 800m at I pace with 400m recovery
- 1000m at I pace with 600m recovery
- 800m at I pace with 400m recovery
- 600m at I pace with 400m recovery
- 400m at R pace with 200m recovery
- 200m at R pace with 200m recovery
If you’re running 20-30 miles per week, change the ladder to 200-400-600-800-600-400-200. Paces and recoveries remain the same.
If you’re running less than 20 miles per week, change it to 200-400-600-400-200. Paces and recoveries remain the same.
There’s some wiggle room in there—feel free to ask me for advice based on how you’re feeling and what you’ve been doing.
See you Tuesday!
- Administration: You must be an FLRC member and sign the Cornell waiver!
- Location: Cornell’s Barton Hall, with the easiest parking in the parking garage
- Warmup: Jay Johnson’s Lunge Matrix and Leg Swings, then 10 minutes of jogging
- Cooldown: 10 minutes of jogging, then Jay Johnson’s Strength and Mobility
- Pace Calculator: Jack Daniels’ VDOT Running Calculator
- FLRC Calendar: (Download and import this ICS file for most calendar apps; subscribe to if you use Google Calendar.)