Monday / Wednesday Nights at Barton: 1/8 and 1/10

Snow is on the ground meaning it’s a good time to kick off additional Club nights on the Track at Barton Hall (7pm to 8:30pm). We’ll try to keep consistency w/ the incredible momentum Adam has built in format w/ similar group warmup and cooldown time / format. We’ll run 800’s on Monday for VO2 work, 80’s for Max Speed work Wednesday. Here’s the breakdown:

Warmup: Jay Johnson’s Lunge Matrix and Leg Swings followed by 10 minutes easy jogging (inside).

Workout: 4-6 x 800m @ VO2, rest equal to 800 time (minimum of 2:20). To find your target pace for the workout you can plug your target mile time into our training period spreadsheet here, on the second tab/worksheet which is 800-1600. Look down to the 4-6 x 800 workout below in purple and to the right for your target time and recovery interval.

Cooldown: 10 minutes of jogging (inside or out) followed by core.

Warmup: Jay Johnson’s Lunge Matrix and Leg Swings followed by 20 minutes easy jogging (inside or out).

8-12 x 80m @ full effort, 1’30”-3’ rest

Cooldown: 10 minutes of jogging (inside or out) followed by core.

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I meant to come to the Winterchill yesterday with my white T-shirt so you could add it to your collection — but there was too much winter white already. Maybe Jan 21st at the track meet.

Tom R.

This sounds great! Is this Monday/Wednesday in addition to Adam’s Tuesday’s at Barton Hall?

Amanda, yes, it is in addition to the Tuesday night workouts.

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