Happy Holidays Scavenger Hunt Week 3 begins Monday, 12/4

Look!! I found Christmas cows! Hiking back from post race festivities we happened upon a park lit up like a fairy land and it had Xmas cows

And my Mennorah. If you squint a little you can see it here an ancient forest Mennorah. It took much searching to unearth this in the Florida drenching Monsoon

I kept trying to post these last two on Saturday and Sunday. but I just kept getting the message that I was not allowed to do that because I had already posted three times. Then I was flying and driving until well after midnight. So I know they are late but I posted them anyway. I just wanted to finish and even if they don’t count it’s ok.


The creativity continues! Out of the 12 participants for week 3, 9 of you found all five items! You are listed below, but this week’s race director’s choice is @HopeT for her festive wreath (and trees).


The above participants, plus Hope, will have their names entered into the drawing at the end of the event. Your name can be entered more than once, so check out week 4’s items and keep posting!

If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me.

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