Join us at the pre-season cross-country dinner party on September 15, RSVPs and rides

Good day, @pgxc-flrc @pgxc-high-noon! Our 2023 pre-season cross-country spaghetti dinner party will be on Friday, September 15th, at 6 PM.

After many years at the helm of this tradition, @cfranck and @zsofiafranck are taking a break, and we’ll be dining at the home of @Tristan_Lambert, @rebeccamlambert, and @benlambert (and perhaps we’ll see Oliver, but since he is a first-year Cornell student, he isn’t running on the team this year). The Lamberts will be cooking up some vegetarian red sauce, pasta, and parmesan cheese, and the rest of us will bring pass-a-dish sides, desserts, and drinks. @mdoruska3, FLRC Open team captain, will also be helping with the pasta prep process.

When: Friday, September 15, 6 PM

Where: 6 Fiddlers Green in Lansing, park on the road (on the map below, notice that Fiddlers Green makes a sharp turn before you arrive)

RSVP: Please fill in your RSVP and pass-a-dish plan on the PGXC Party Google Doc. Families and plus-ones are welcome, but warn them that this is a running event so conversations may revolve around team makeup and 5K race paces. Also, they may be recruited to run a race.

Carpool: Do you want a ride? Can you offer a ride? Fill in the poll below and reply to this message to describe where you need a ride from, or can provide a ride from.

  • I need a ride
  • I can give a ride
0 voters


See you at the party! :spaghetti: :spaghetti: :spaghetti: :running_man: :running_woman: :man_running:

— Tonya & Adam Engst (FLRC and High Noon Team Captains)

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If you are OK with arriving early and leaving late, Adam and I can provide a ride to you from the Cornell campus or Cayuga Heights neighborhood.

Hi Folks, I can give a ride from the NE Ithaca/ Cornell U/ Downtown area, I have room for 4 folks (3 in the back), Sincerely, Carl