FLRC Challenge group run on Saturday, 8/12 at 8:30 AM at Freeville Town Hall

We’re coming up on the final weekend of the FLRC Challenge, and our last group run will help those who want company on the 13.1-mile Dryden Lake Lollipop course, starting and finishing in Freeville. If we’re lucky, Toad’s will be open for ice cream, but we’ll have watermelon and bagels anyway.

A quick note. Group Run director Heather Cobb is looking for volunteers to host more group runs once the Challenge is over. Hosting merely means figuring out a course and greeting people at the start—you don’t need to run at the front and Heather will coordinate the post here. Contact Heather for details or sign up in Helper Helper for your desired weekend (the specific day and time is somewhat negotiable).

We’ll meet at the Freeville Town Hall at 8:30 AM. After the usual milling, introductions, visits to the FLRC-sponsored porta-potty, and group photo, we’ll start running the course around 8:45 AM. We’ll also have post-run snacks—make sure to vote in the pace poll so we can bring enough. And please do vote! Voting in the pace poll helps newcomers get a sense of who else will be running their pace. We always have a wide range of runners, so you’ll generally find someone to run with.

Pace Poll
  • Sub-8:00-minute pace
  • 8:00-9:00-minute pace
  • 9:00-10:00-minute pace
  • 10:00-11:00-minute pace
  • 11:00-12:00-minute pace
  • 12:00-13:00-minute pace
  • 13:00-minute+ pace
  • I plan on hiking
0 voters

Everyone is welcome, regardless of age, ability, pace, or anything else. This is a free activity, and while FLRC membership and FLRC Challenge participation are encouraged, neither is required. If you’re not running the Challenge, please sign the FLRC Training Programs waiver. You only need to sign once for all 2023 group runs, so if you’ve already done so, you’re all set—check here.)

Let’s reduce the number of car trips to fight climate change and help those who don’t have cars. Vote if you need a ride or can give one, and post in this topic with pickup details.
  • I can give a ride
  • I need a ride
0 voters

Subscribe to FLRC’s Google Calendar so race dates, group runs, and other club events flow into your calendar. Import this ICS file for most calendar apps; subscribe to fingerlakesrunners@gmail.com if you use Google Calendar—instructions here.

I will not be running, but will be at the intersection of Keith Rd. and Jim Schug Trail for all your water needs. (And if you’d like to drop off a sweaty shirt, I can mule it back to the start in Freeville.)

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If you are interested in joining the group run, but do not want to run the full 13, there are several people who are running the first few miles of the course from Freeville and turning around early.

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Thank you for joining us on the concluding Challenge group run of the year! Several runners finished their Challenge today, and the leaderboard is on fire. Follow along for the drama, as things are bound to change today and tomorrow.

Even though the Challenge is over, we will continue member-led group runs for the rest of the year, and have preview runs for all of our remaining trail races. If there is an awesome trail or loop you’d like to share with other runners, consider leading a run! Remaining opportunities are in Helper Helper, with weekend day and time flexibility. You can also reach out to me for more info.