Kid workouts restarting at the 11/15 MITHACAL MILERS workout at Barton Hall

Huge thanks to Kate McCormick (@kcmccormick8), who has volunteered to lead a running game-based workout for children ages 7–9 (or so) on Tuesday nights at the MITHACAL MILERS indoor track workouts at Barton Hall, starting 11/15 at 7 PM.

Families must be FLRC members (join or renew if necessary), and all participants—adults for themselves and parents for each of their children—must sign an annual waiver for the FLRC Training Programs online.

The goal of the FLRC Family Running Program is to provide opportunities for parents and children to run at the same time (unlike most other kid sports). Any adult may participate, whether or not they come with a child, but each child must be accompanied to a workout by a parent or responsible adult—this is not drop-off daycare!

So parents, lace up your running shoes and join the adult track workout, which is appropriate for runners of all paces (and if you’re injured, it’s fine to walk on the outside of the track as well).

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I want to emphasize the parenthetical segment of Adam’s last sentence. I am not necessarily injured, but do not feel healthy enough to take on speed work without becoming injured. I did walk/jog intervals in the outside lane on Tuesday, and would love some company! (Would also just walk if anyone wants to do that.)

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That’ll teach me to edit out “or otherwise unable to run” to keep it more concise. :slight_smile:

To be clear, I’m injured and not running (much, anyway) as well, and if injured runners want to come, I’ll lead a recovery support group and workout. That didn’t get much uptake last week, but the offer remains open.